Home Light Automation


HUB acts as a communication gateway between all the devices...

Door Sensor (DS)

Door Sensor helps in monitoring the opening and closing of the doors and....

Motion Sensor (MS)

Motion Sensor detects movement of people. It can be used to alert an....

In-wall Dual Switch

In-wall Dual Switch Module allows automation of regular lights, power sockets and ...

In-wall Triple Switch

In-wall Triple Switch Module allows automation of regular lights, power....

In-Wall Dual Dimmer

In-wall Dual Dimmer Module allows automation of dimmable lights.

In-wall Triple Dimmer

In-wall Triple Dimmer Module allows automation of dimmable lights and....

RGB LED Controller

RGB LED Controller is designed to control the colors and intensity of the....

In-wall 16A Switch

In-wall 16A Switch Module can be used to remotely control or automate....

IR Controller

IR Controller allows you to control all your appliances like AC, TV, Set-top....

Curtain Controller

Curtain Controller lets you control your motorized window curtains as well....

Gate Controller

Gate Controller lets you control your motorized main gate. The controller....

Yale Lock Controller

Yale Lock Controller is designed to remotely operate your Yale locks which....

Sensor Monitor HV

Sensor Monitor is designed to convert an existing wired sensor like smoke....

Sensor Monitor LV

Sensor Monitor is designed to convert an existing low power sensor like....

Dual Relay Controller

Dual Relay Controller is a general purpose automation device. It contains....

Triple Relay Controller

Triple Relay Controller is a general purpose automation device. It contains....


Repeater module extends the range of wireless network....

Panic Alarm (PA)

Panic Alarm produces loud sound when turned on. It can be activated....

Smart Plug 6A

Smart Plugs 6A convert existing wall socket into a remote controlled....

Smart Plug 16A

Smart Plugs 16A can we used to remotely control or automate high power....