Solar Home Lighting Systems & Solar Lanterns

In Rural India, where there is no or poor electricity, solar lights seem to be the perfect solution. Almost maximum rural Indian population still depends on kerosene lamps for their living. Not only kerosene lamps are expensive but also hazardous and polluting.

Using Solar Home Lighting Systems or Solar Lanterns will definitely increase the efficiency of people by allowing them to work and to let children study even after it gets dark. With Solar Power these people will always be connected with the world through TV, Cell Phone, radio, etc. Solar Lighting is an economical way to save on electricity costs and is also environment-friendly.

Solar Home Lighting Systems or Solar Lanterns have seen an impressive demand in rural India, driven mainly by the lack or poor grid electricity supply , its high cost and ill-effects of kerosene or gas lamps. Solar Lamps have been successful mainly due to their economic value rather than their green characteristics.

The solar cells in the solar system convert the SUN’s energy directly to electricity. This electricity is stored in the solar battery and used for lighting whenever required. The solar-powered light is 10 to 20 times brighter than a kerosene lamp and more eyes friendly as compared to kerosene lamp. Kerosene is a health hazard resulting in accidental fires and causing a lot of smoke, which can lead to various respiratory diseases. Kerosene causes indoor pollution, which is estimated to kill 1.6 million people each year, whereas solar lights are environment-friendly. Kerosene is non renewable source of energy whereas Solar is renewable source of energy, available abundantly everywhere.